Education, from our standpoint, is the acquiring of knowledge to be able to BE successful and prosperous in the field and/or title that you are studying. Being able to DO all the things that are required to pursue happiness, affluence, sustenance, and completion.
Our goal is to HAVE abundance.
Computer Science and Tech
1. Harvard university CS50
Free introduction to Computer Science.
Hello, world! This is CS50 (aka CS50x through edX), Harvard University's introduction to the intellectual enterprises of computer science and the art of programming.
You are welcome to take this course at your own pace, starting whenever you'd like. So no worries if this is your first time here!
2. Terra Academy
Learn CosmWasm Smart Contracts! Dive right in with the Quick Start, then learn about coding in Rust, using CosmWasm libraries and the latest storage features, and testing and deploying. LUNA, SCRT
and other blockchain-specific modules are coming too!
3. Polygon Developer
Welcome to the most exciting and innovative platform to build your blockchain application on Polygon Blockchain. Blockchain technology is poised to revolutionise the way the digital world handles data and does
business. Be a part of this revolution and get a head start with decentralised application development on Polygon.