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Roadmap 4
Roadmap 1


Goal 1: Find the PROBLEM that needs to be solved & IDENTIFY your strategic objectives. The problem that needs to be solved is the lack of technology infrastructure, technology creation, TECH KNOWLEDGE, and technological application in the hood. Because of this lack, these areas lack WEALTH.
Within 10 years, my goal is for the hoods across the U.S. to become the NEW (functional) Silicon Valley. Starting with Los Angeles, California.

Goal #2: LAUNCH Thug Coding in Los Angeles. Official September 3, 2022.

Goal #3: Create a product that the community can use to enhance productivity.
But not ONLY enhance CREATE a desire to BE productive.
With all of the international talk about AI (Artificial Intelligence), and how it is changing the world, we NEED something that puts these tools into our hands. INTRODUCING..."hoodGPT"...our AI chatbox. Go check it out...( as of March 16, 2024...hoodGPT is being updated.)
Find the PROBLEM that needs to be solved & IDENTIFY your strategic objectives. The problem that needs to be solved is the lack of technology infrastructure, technology creation, TECH KNOWLEDGE, and technological application in the hood. Because of this lack, these areas have no WEALTH
Roadmap 2
Roapmap 3
Goal #4: Create an opportunity for the people in the hood to make MONEY working in the TECH industry.
As of March 21, 2023, I have partnered with a major CyberSecurity firm to start a program training candidates in the field of CyberSecurity to be able to work for the company and make $$$.
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