The People, Places and Events of the Bible were in the Americas. NOT in the so-called "Middle East"...
Now we are in the DIGITAL AGE of decentralization, DEFI and disruption. History MUST be fixed. History has been
CENTRALIZED and ORGANIZED as a HOAX against the Human Family. Now, Corn In The Bible® is BACK to stimulate truth and reality and establish FACTS in the real world and the METAVERSE!
For over 500 YEARS this has been hidden. Now, when you go online to check, the "sheeple" insist that CORN just means "grain"...Corn IS a grain. But, Corn, when mentioned in the Bible is a SPECIFIC grain.
Corn In The Bible® Means Maize!
2 Samuel 17:28 Brought beds, and basons, and earthen vessels, and wheat, and barley, and flour, and parched corn, and beans, and lentiles, and parched pulse,
This writing in 2 Samuel INCLUDES
wheat AND barley...right next to
So...there should be no more CONFUSION. Corn In The Bible® Means Maize!
Come, reason with us.
Do you SEE all of the PYRAMIDS and TEMPLES in Mexico, Central America and South America?
When EGYPT is mentioned in the is talking about the AMERICAS! Not the so-called "Middle East" or North Africa.